Art Kiosk

Share Artists Images

Without displaying their wholesale pricing.

Have you ever wanted to

Show images of an artist's work WITHOUT their wholesale pricing? Now you can with ART-KIOSK - A FREE sales tool from IndieMe that you can use to work with your customers on special orders, commissions and more. View any IndieMe artist's entire catalog of work in a simple slide show format, with ONLY their Business Name and Item #s displaying. It's perfect for use with your portable devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones!

Andy Brinkley Studio

Fast & Easy

To use Art-Kiosk, all you need to do is go to and type in an artist's 5 or 6 digit IndieMe Artist # at the prompt. Or, instantly access a particular artist or easily change between artists by typing in and entering the Artist # after the forward slash. Need to look up an Artist #? Now you can click straight to a particular artist's Art-Kiosk page through the provided 'Go To Art-Kiosk' button on their IndieMe artist web page.

Designed to Help You Sell

Retailers can quickly access Artist #s by making a running list of the IndieMe artists you carry in your store and placing it near your cash register. Another idea you may want to consider is placing a QR code on product displays, hang tags, and printed materials for your customers to scan with their smartphones and be instantly taken to an artist's Art-Kiosk page. To make a QR code and learn more, visit

We hope you find Art-Kiosk to be an important and useful sales tool to help educate and sell more of our artists' work to your customers.

Like what you see and ready to join?

Great! Review our buyer qualifications and send us the required documents so we can get you approved today.
Contact us at any time for additional information. Email us at or call 888-427-2381.

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