Order direct from the artist, leave notes to artist on specific products and view real time shipping rates during checkout. Manage multiple wish lists and view your past orders quickly in vendor's mini carts.
View all your orders, both open and shipped and quickly view status updates. Securely pay open invoices, print invoices, manage your address book, all quickly and efficiently.
Follow your favorite artists, manage your wholesale show plans and network with peers using our online discussion boards. Manage your own Buyer Profile and upload images of your store.
IndieMe does not get involved in your orders unless you need our assistance. We allow you to work directly with the artists.
You can leave a credit card during checkout, or you can ask the artist to contact you for payment information. We allow each artist to setup how they prefer to be paid.
That is correct! No need to sift through hundreds of vendors and thousands of products made elsewhere to find local and handcrafted.
Shopping for local, handcrafted is only available on IndieMe. Over saturated platforms like Faire and Abound only dilute the experience for you. With IndieMe we make it easy to find exactly what you need.
Shop over 250,000 handmade crafts anytime 24/7 with our online marketplace. The complete experience on IndieMe. Search - Discover - Shop.
PLUS! Our partnership with marketing and printing giant Vistaprint provides IndieMe members even more benefits. You will enjoy corporate discounts, free shipping and more on all your business needs in our IndieMe ProShop. To learn more about this collaboration become a member today.
Receive complimentary copies of our printed Buyer's Guide catalog (2 issues every year), delivered direct to your mailbox. Each edition features hundreds of IndieMe artists and serves as a great hands-on tool for shopping online and attractive reference material for keeping on file to use throughout the year.